STUDIO + WOODSHOP :: Into the Mystic 2021

Okay, so I probably could have shared this sooner, but here it is! Given that today is the last day of registration, I have received a number of emails asking about our INTO THE MYSTIC gathering this Spring. First question, is there still space? Answer: YES. Second question, can I see the woodshop and studio? Answer: YES. Below Terri walks us through a glimpse of ALL that is available for us to dive into for making & creative play in THE WOODSHOP. And, not to … View Post

a Sunday afternoon with Toni Lipsey, Mara Licole and Gaye Glasspie

pictured above left to right:  Gaye Glasspie, Toni Lipsey and Mara Licole Over in the SQUAMLOVE Community, we have been enjoying conversations with a variety of artists on a variety of subjects, but today, I wanted to share with all of you a lovely conversation I had one Sunday afternoon in January with Toni Lipsey, Mara Licole and Gaye Glasspie as I think we could all use some of their good energies in our life this weekend. It’s just a little bit thrilling to know … View Post

SQUAMLOVE Community Online! (at last)

Hello friends, Above is a video of me sharing with you some news about the SQUAMLOVE Community site that is now open and ready for YOU! What is SQUAMLOVE Community? NO ADS. NO ALGORITHMS You could call it a private facebook, but there are no ads, no algorithms —  so for me, it feels like a favourite coffee shop meets art studio. And because this is open to ALL, it is a global (online) neighborhood hangout with space for people to break off into their … View Post

solace + sanctuary

things take the time they take – mary oliver Above is one sacred moment I recorded on my phone early one morning on Squam lake. I hope you will take a minute to sink in an enjoy it, let the peace and stillness (that is also full of birdsong and moving skies and water) offer solace to your spirit. It is no secret that the poems of Mary Oliver have carried me through many, many life experiences and always seemed to have just the right … View Post

let it be

If ever there were a time we needed to come together, go within for rest and restoration, nurture our spirits with creative engagement and share conversation with fellow makers, this is it. However, as there is still much uncertainty in the world, we are progressing with great caution. The (hopeful) news is that YES, there will be a handful of small gatherings on offer for 2021. They will be structured to follow all local, state and CDC guidelines in order to experience the healing properties … View Post