happiness is best shared
There are people in this world carving out a life, day by day, following their heart and creative prompts and the results are spectacular. It is no easy path, to be sure — so much courage and faith is needed– but the dividends are huge. For me, KRISTINE VEJAR is someone who is an example of living this ideal. Her talent, focus, dedication and extraordinary hard work are pure inspiration. This MORNING on the DOCK, I am chatting with Kristine and utterly enchanted by how … View Post
forgive + forbear = felicity
Given my thorny relationship with April, you might think I would be reaching for another f-word than forgiveness, forbearance and felicity. Yes — as long as I live in New England –April and I are like two people at a cocktail party forced to make small talk although we have exactly zero in common. She is mercurial, cold, inconsiderate and very windy. One moment she is all softness and tender blooms, the next she is icy temps, snow and dashed weekend plans. Does it annoy … View Post
the creative lens
The Creative Lens is a glimpse into the week before: photographs that inspire me, cultural events that catch my eye, or a new song I heard on the radio. Come explore with me, and of course, I would love for you to share about your week. As always, feel free to join me on Instagram — please do say hello!