missing you already…

That’s a wrap! I simply cannot believe that it’s been a whole entire week since we were gathered together at the lake. I’m still feeling the glitter dust floating around — to be surrounded by so many incredible makers was completely rejuvenating! Above all I want to let everyone know how much having you at the lake during the Spring and Fall meant to me. If but one of you had not been there, the whole experience and shape of the events would have been very … View Post

Weekend Feature :: malabrigo TriBeCa

Park Hat by Sarah Luse “We are inspired by nature, art, urban life, cities, trends… Inspiration can be anywhere…” If you’re a knitter, crocheter, weaver or all-around yarn enthusiast, you’re likely familiar with malabrigo yarn. Known for their super-soft skeins in a myriad of colors, there isn’t a fiber artist around who hasn’t reached for a skein and noticed how simply luscious it is… I personally love how they have grown to be one of the biggest names in the industry, but have also so … View Post