one day, one conversation

“Therefore, I want people to understand this: It is much easier to have a conversation with someone on Instagram whether it is nice, constructive, or just outright bullying. It’s much harder to actually have a conversation face-to-face with people and to talk about the issues. It feels like the same people are talking to each other online and we need to take this message beyond Instagram.” – Diane Ivey, Perspective  May 3rd, 2019  On Sunday, July 21st 2019 a group of creatives from the maker … View Post

Stitched Together *Venue Change*

When life gives you lemons… or 100 degree heat, you roll into the lovely hospitality of Hotel Providence! Due to Mother Nature’s plan this weekend for an infernal heat wave here in the North East, Stitched Together is being moved to the Hotel Providence Ballroom where we will surely stay cool and comfy. We originally chose the Athenaeum for it’s beauty and rich history – and are ever grateful for all the hard work they put into hosting us! – but as older buildings go there is no … View Post