the creative lens

| last week in photos | FROM NYC FROM THE STUDIO & HOME a few things for you: 1. *check out these gorgeous journals from Hadron Epoch Designs 2. this exhibition at the MET 3. Susannah’s Daily Guidence Course

your brave heart

Heart Medals, video by TIF FUSSELLSQUAM from Squam on Vimeo. “Happiness is a form of courage.” George Holbrook Jackson Yes! Today is often referred to as Groundhog Day and lord knows I love me some Bill Murray. In fact, I love this movie so much as I believe it is such perfect analogy for how it is we grow our soul. If you remember, at the beginning our hero Phil was a total tool: arrogant, self-centered, small-hearted and contemptuous of humanity. And then, on his … View Post

If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is

“I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.” – Kurt Vonnegut Hello and warmest wishes from snowy Providence! February is just around the corner and we have two lovely bits to share with you. First up: we have joined the audio revolution and have a brand-new series of podcast interviews happening over at MORNING ON THE DOCK. Check it out! You can subscribe on either … View Post

the creative lens

| last week in photos | *this time last year. . . a few things for you: heading to NYC next weekend to check out NYNOW. this article from the NYTimes — and if you haven’t seen her documentary, you should. this living room

love and understanding :: two sides of one reality

Last year on this day, it was thrilling to click on Google and find Ekua’s spectacular painting Chain of Courage as that day’s offering. This morning I share it here because Ekua has made it possible for each of us to purchase this beautiful, powerful artwork with the proceeds go to the United Negro College Fund. “I chose to illustrate his successful march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge because it captured the strength of spirit and leadership of the man. It also acknowledges those who … View Post