why each of us

Paris 2013, instagram Each of us experiences pain differently. For some it can trigger an explosion of anger, or a cascade of tears, or sometimes an overwhelming numbness, a stupor. For me, it’s always a piercing sensation in my heart that crumples me inward. I find I need a corner, somewhere quiet, still. Before there was the internet, I would reach for a book or go for a long walk to try and soothe the pain. I still go for long walks, but now I … View Post

to experience becoming

Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow. – Kurt Vonnegut photo credit: Phoebe Wahl Oh my. Here in this part of the world, the warmth, ease and connectedness of Thanksgiving is hardly behind us (I still have leftovers in the fridge!) and the bustle of holiday preparations is already upon us. For … View Post

signs of a benevolent universe

Dear Life, You know I love you, right?  Like seriously, big time. Oh sure– there were those days (fine, years, whatever) when I really questioned our relationship. No more, my friend. That is history. Sure you are mercurial, full of piss and vinegar one moment and sweet as buttercream the next– but I am all in with unconditional love for all of it.  Which means, I take you exactly as you are.  And let’s be clear– the more I wake up to your magic the … View Post

create a new dream

photo credit:  TARA MORRIS Here in New England, change is in the air. One minute it is so hot you are stripping down to a thin t-shirt, the next you are sneezing and pulling on socks. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Then again, some things never change and, for me, one of them is the depth of beauty that occurs when we gather at the edge of Squam Lake. Our last retreat just ended on Sunday and I must say it brought together the very best elements … View Post

things I cannot explain

“Art generates its own energy and warmth different from the heat produced by physical work something I cannot explain.”  Andy Goldsworthy, TIME photo credit:  MARY-HEATHER COGGER Some things feel so arbitrary.  Summer, for instance.  Today is glorious, soft, fragile, redolent, sunny and warm with a sweet breeze flirting at the curtains. And so, for me, this is absolutely the first day of summer, for sure– yet, the Farmer’s Almanac would have me believe otherwise.  Whatever.  Sort of like how they decide what constitutes Belgium or Austria– … View Post