On Letting Go and Awakening the Best YOU

Time is a funny thing. It can provide us with so little or even better, so much. It offers literal space between life events or a meditative space for reflection and mental clarity. Almost two years to the day, I was in the final months of completing my undergraduate thesis. For the greater part of the year, I had been exploring a variety of different trajectories — there were moments when I had no idea what direction my work was going to take me or … View Post

Love is in the Details

Four years ago, my sweet friend Sissy and I embarked on a rather epic trip to the UK. Epic because Sissy was nearly five months pregnant, it was winter and our destination required a series of trains, planes and automobiles. Still, we did it and had a most marvelous adventure replete with a return trip that is worthy of the record books. The reason for the journey was that I had been forever wanting to take a class with Julie Arkell and this was my … View Post

the life you crave

CONGRATULATIONS to the FIVE winners of the Gift of the HEART drawing! (details at the Squam facebook page) Today is our last day of the SQUAMLOVE FEST – tell me you’re not primed for Valentine’s – Of course you are. It’s been quite the ride down memory lane for me as I dug through boxes of letters and photos. And, weirdly, it just only occurred to me that next year — 2017 — will mark 10 YEARS since we first gathered at the lake. I’m … View Post

strange but sacred

“We are not some early Dell Computer Operating System, here to be de-bugged. We are not some new product for sale, here to be perfected. The goal is not to become an immaculate golden orb. The goal is to return to a place of kindness, where you can be gentle with yourself and others, no matter what arises. This requires, I think, a friendly sort of loving humor about who you are and who we all are. Why does the Dalai Lama have such a … View Post

handmade is best

Here’s an ugly truth: one of the reasons I adore mixed media painting is that it is a very forgiving medium for I am a decidedly awkward maker. When I make something, it generally resembles the output of a five year-old, if the child were a bit challenged in the eye-hand coordination department. And yet, this never stops me. I have long since left behind the shame of my less than perfect creations. What I know is that when I make something for someone (including … View Post