reflections on the year that was

oh December, You always sneak up on me so fast! Wow– looking back at the past 12 months, I’m glad there are photos and blog posts to remember all that happened as I sincerely doubt that I would be able to access all the details. What I wrote here last December pretty much sums up all I have to say on how to navigate this crazy, wild, sorrowful, amazing, heartbreaking, beautiful world. (BONUS: if you have not yet watched COSMOS, I highly recommend it to … View Post

tales of a musk deer

My stomach is full of butterflies and I am feeling a bit flooded with anxiety with what I am about to share. This is exactly the feeling I get the night of Opening Ceremony at Squam. Awful. Does not feel at all good. Nervous. Awkward. Embarrassed. Over the years I have found a way to get through these feelings and show up on stage despite how much they want to crush me into a hole in the ground. I share what is in my heart … View Post

all I know for sure

Something you may not know about me is that my first job out of college was in a boarding school where I taught French (and coached lacrosse – boo-YAH!). Ready for another colassal surprise? Very few of the teenagers had any interest in learning French. I know, it’s a shocker. Which was truly okay, because as much as I love French unless your curriculum is steeped in sex, drugs and rock n roll, good luck holding the attenton of the 14-18 year old set. So, … View Post


:: with love, from Squam ::

yes, it’s true

Here I am, once again, wanting to find a way to synthesize and share all that transpired at the lake last week. Maybe for our 10th anniversary I will collect each of my post-squam recollection posts and put them all here together for a full scope review as, without going back and re-reading what I have written in the past, it feels to me that there are two central motifs: words, bless them, are inadequate when trying to convey this experience birth and death Whoa. … View Post