I carry these with me

The past two weeks have brought much mail as registration season is upon us. Tucked in with the registrations are hand-knit hearts (thank you, Marney!), photographs, gifts and all sorts of love notes. To say this cracks me open wouldn’t begin to explain how I feel. It’s like that scene in the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life where all the friends, family and neighbors come forward to fill the basket– without, you know, the attempted suicide or angel named Clarence. Though, let it be known, … View Post


There’s a new word in my life: sukha. It’s meaning? Happy space. Or, in more yogic terms it is a state of being in light, a state of lightness, an openness within. Above are photos from the house I’m about to move into at the end of this month. Big changes on all fronts. Going from apartment renter to home-owner, living on a different street with different neighbors, no garden to call my own to having a patch of grass I am gonna stuff fat … View Post

daring you to become the wind

There is one rule to follow regarding rest: if we need a rest, we take one. T.K.V. Desikachar, The Heart of Yoga Happy New Year! Things have been going in so many directions for me in my little world, I don’t even know where to begin to connect. So let’s start by taking a deep breath. Ahhh. Better. How I love taking a pause, stopping for rest. REST. Lovely, lovely rest. I sure hope you got some in the past few weeks and, if not, … View Post

old friends (even though we just met)

photo credit: CAMILLE DEANGELIS “When I was leaving, it was like saying goodbye to old friends even though we just met.” Jeanne Lewis, founder and CCO Creativebug   HEADS UP: Below might be the longest blog post I’ve ever written. Hope you’ve got a hot cup of tea! In the photo above, Jeanne Lewis sits with fellow squammies Veronica, Sylvia and Anne at the top of Rattlesnake Mountain, a favorite hike from camp. I love this shot because it captures one of the in-between moments that … View Post

why each of us

Paris 2013, instagram Each of us experiences pain differently. For some it can trigger an explosion of anger, or a cascade of tears, or sometimes an overwhelming numbness, a stupor. For me, it’s always a piercing sensation in my heart that crumples me inward. I find I need a corner, somewhere quiet, still. Before there was the internet, I would reach for a book or go for a long walk to try and soothe the pain. I still go for long walks, but now I … View Post