There are moments upon moments, worlds upon worlds. We all had our own experiences at Squam last week – many of them magical (if the word on the street is to be believed). For myself, it was just the most perfect gathering ever. Honestly, it was.
Last night, which happened to be the 13th of June, I realized that this Spring gathering was the thirteenth time I have put on one of these events— more power to 2013, it seems to be rolling in with the good energies. Although I will never (read: never EVER) take on so much again — we won’t be having a Saturday party or an additional attendees rolling up — there is tremendous satisfaction in seeing that it all came together so beautifully and how the celebration exceeded my wildest imagination. (And I think we’re all clear that my imagination lives on the far reaches of the woolly side of the hill, yes?)
Speaking of wool – dear lord, we had wool The YARN BOMBING was off the charts — pure inspiration and you can get a good glimpse of it in Amanda’s POST here and in Stephanie’s POST here. We have JENN COX and KAT KENNEDY (along with their host of inspired knitting artists) to thank for this extravaganza!
And speaking of THANK YOUs . . oh my god– that is an entire post I need to write and if you can forgive me, in this moment I am beginning to crash and burn and need a weekend to reconnect my neurons with their axon terminals. Just know — this was a barn-raising of love and spirit on the highest level thanks to so many hundreds of helping hands.
There was beauty, art, knitting, conversations, swims, ice cream for breakfast, cake for dinner and many hours around a warm fire. As people’s blog posts roll in I will add them into the list below.
photos above: Christine Chitnis
Meantime here is my moment that had me burst into tears — the happiest kind of tears — Saturday night, the fair is underway, hundreds of people are walking through the woods, down the steps illuminated by blocks of ice lit from within by white candles. In the trees are strings of fairy lights. Casey has music rolling out from the Ravelry VIP lounge where there is cake and beer and all manner of candy.
I watch as two women arrive at the top of the stone steps that lead down to the entrance to the fair that is filled with light and wrapped in pink tulle. The women are perhaps in their early 70s — they hold each other by the elbows. They stop and take in the the sight for a full moment and then the one turns to the other, oblivious that I am there listening, and says with a hush of delight and in a soft Boston accent, “isn’t this SOMEthing?!”
Her friend nods and they continue on while I stand in a pool of tears as that is exactly the expression my mom uses for things that are truly off the charts and I wish she could be there to experience it with me.
So that was my moment. What was yours?
bisous, e