Episode 20 :: Jessica Forbes of RAVELRY

It’s true that I first met Jess when she was frecklegirl and I was bluepoppy — you know way back in the day when no one put their real name out there because who knows what crazy strangers you might meet on the internet. All I know, is that I am forever grateful that we connected back then about our shared love of reading, writing and New England life.

I loved seeing the knitting that she shared online (you know, before there was ravelry . . .) and remember when she finished her Flower Basket Wedding Shawl. How utterly beautiful it was.

Jess loved knitting, reading, sewing, baking and all that is still true, plus so much more.

Today, I love following Jess as she shares her daily life with the same authentic voice as she ever did. Her photos and quips about the challenges of raising two active, adorable children never sugarcoat the reality of how hard it can be and yet, she always shows the beauty, the funny, and the head-shaking WTF.


She still manages to make time for her passions — most recently a whole lotta sewing –and kind of annoys me with how damn talented she is.



The big news at Casa Forbes, of course, is the new solar panels! Woot. We talk about this in our chat above so listen in if you want to know more about what it’s like to be powered by the sun!

I know you will enjoy listening to Jess as what most people don’t know about Jess — if they’ve never met her — is how funny she is. So very quick-witted-doesn’t-miss-a beat funny and, so truly gentlehearted.

Jessica is genuinely one of the kindest and wisest people I know, and I am so lucky to call her a friend.

PHOTOS courtesy of Jessica Marshall Forbes