Episode 40 :: Terri Dautcher


I have a friend. True blue. Most amazing.

Like in the best movies where the beleaguered heroine
— a bit roughed up and bruised by the vagaries of life —
goes to the friend’s house and BOOM. Hello exuberance!
A warm and loving sanctuary that celebrates
the crazy, that is full of kooky surprises, wrapped in art,
spilling over with gardens, cats– and
right in the center is the friend — the true blue friend
who has a wild giggle and always, ALWAYS
a soft place for our heroine to land.

Yeah, like that.

Am I lucky? Beyond lucky. Who is this goddess among friends?  TERRI DAUTCHER.

terri_3terri_4Many people who have come to Squam over the years have met Terri, and they can tell you–  forget Ghostbusters, she’s the one to call! And today, I did. Take a listen.

She’s one of a kind. Deepest heart. Widest compassion.
A bodhisattva in our midst.

terri_5terri_6You know, the kind of bodhisattva that is always up for a lip sync with a hair brush and thinks peach pie makes for a pretty perfect day — ah yes indeed, the very best kind of bodhisattva.

Photos courtesy of Terri Dautcher