I have a friend. True blue. Most amazing.
Like in the best movies where the beleaguered heroine
— a bit roughed up and bruised by the vagaries of life —
goes to the friend’s house and BOOM. Hello exuberance!
A warm and loving sanctuary that celebrates
the crazy, that is full of kooky surprises, wrapped in art,
spilling over with gardens, cats– and
right in the center is the friend — the true blue friend
who has a wild giggle and always, ALWAYS
a soft place for our heroine to land.
Yeah, like that.
Am I lucky? Beyond lucky. Who is this goddess among friends? TERRI DAUTCHER.
Many people who have come to Squam over the years have met Terri, and they can tell you– forget Ghostbusters, she’s the one to call! And today, I did. Take a listen.
She’s one of a kind. Deepest heart. Widest compassion.
A bodhisattva in our midst.
You know, the kind of bodhisattva that is always up for a lip sync with a hair brush and thinks peach pie makes for a pretty perfect day — ah yes indeed, the very best kind of bodhisattva.
Photos courtesy of Terri Dautcher