Talk about perseverance! Talk about living
through life-changing accidents and digging
deep to chart a new course!
Today on the dock, KYMBERLEE WEIL and I are talking about all that and so much more.
A couple years ago, I was introduced to Kymberlee and, from the first, was utterly smitten with her vitality, curiosity and crazy powerful way of being in the world. A lifelong athlete who is also a master martial artist, Kymberlee’s work as a tech entrepreneur led her to be invited to TED way back in the day.
Beyond giving a talk that was a terrific success, it launched a whole nother aspect to her career. Today, Kymberlee has coached over 100 people to overcome what is often referred to is the #1 fear: speaking in public.
Whether a talk for a TED event, shareholder meeting or even a rehearsal dinner toast– people continue to reach out to Kymberlee for help finding their voice and clarifying the message they are wanting to share with the world.
Lucky for you, just hanging out and listening to this conversation with her will likely charge you up. While we were chatting, I was struck, as I always am, at how very different she and I are. Her confidence and seemingly bottomless well of energy dazzle me.
I am the total yin to her yang, but the
funny thing is, I absolutely love the contrast.
Of course we have loads of things in common, but connecting with someone who engages with the world in a manner so unlike my own (read: am sloth, hear me roar!) actually nurtures me on the core level.
It helps me to see where I am strong
and how I continue to show up and
practice the art of being my best self.
You see? She doesn’t even have to DO anything but chat with me on the phone and I am feeling more alive, more excited, more enthusiastic — her very being charges me up!
Take a listen and see if she doesn’t weave her spell on you, too.
bisous, Elizabeth
photos courtesy: Kymberlee Weil