The Inner Mystic

Taught by:
Elizabeth DuvivierOffered:
Tuesday June 18
Wednesday June 19
Thursday June 20
Experience level: Open to ALL
When the world feels too much—or, when it feels we are living alongside our life but not in our life, we know that we have lost touch with our inner guide. And, even when we have cultivated a strong ability to listen to our body’s wisdom and follow it, it is easy to get distracted or knocked off-course. We all need the time and space to get grounded and re-centered.
Each of us have this power within. It is simply a matter of taking the time to access it, develop it, and strengthen it by using it every day—throughout the day.
In this workshop that is really more of a gentle exploration—we will identify ways to release from the mental approach—i.e. always strategizing, trying to think our way through—and instead, practice opening ourselves to trust. It is definitely an alternative approach and can feel radical, but the truth is, we were always connected to the natural world and a non-verbal way of being, our modern life has just encouraged a disconnection from that.
When we tap into our inner mystic, we are not thinking but knowing our way into safety, clarity, and ease. You could call it our inner wisdom, but for the fun of this workshop, I am calling it our inner mystic. The words don’t matter, call it anything you like—it is your highest self, the source of your inner guidance and in this place of natural beauty, we are going to step away from the busy world and return to our center.
Though we gather as a group, this is an inward journey. We will be journaling, sharing stories, doing short meditations and most definitely getting more clear about how we would like to shape the world around us. The intention is that when you leave this workshop, you are heading home clear-eyed, confident, and feeling deeply connected with vitality and flow.
photos from ITM Norway 2019
photo credit: Lori Ann Rushfeldt (left), Carlene Williams (right)
Kit fee: 0
Students need to bring:
Journal + a pen