Full of Myself

Taught by:
Elizabeth DuvivierOffered:
Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday
Experience level: All Levels
and who do you
think you are sauntering along
five feet up in the air, the ocean a blue fire
around your ankles, the sun
on your face on your shoulders its golden mouth whispering
(so it seems) you! you! you!
— Mary Oliver
This workshop is for anyone who was a wild and exuberant child that got shut down. Perhaps you were told to be quiet or stop showing off. Perhaps you were criticized for being different, being dreamy, being rebellious or simply for being yourself.
For me, the killer phrase that cut me off at the knees was: oh, you are so full of yourself. Such a crazy twisted insult as– who else would I be? But, it shut me down, nevertheless.
What I want to share in this class is a fabulous way to reclaim the fullness and magnificence of who you are. Just as you are NOW. Not some future perfect you. Not some commercialized or polished version ready for its Instagram selfie. You, in this moment, are perfect. More than perfect. The question is, are you fully enjoying and celebrating ALL that you are?
We live in a world predicated on competition which fosters insecurity and jealousy, a world that values appearance and status over spirit and kindness. It takes strength and intention to break free of those social norms and live by our own standards of beauty, grace and light.
The practice I will share with you is something you can do anywhere; it transports easily to wherever you may be traveling to or from. However, just because something is simple does not mean it is without challenge. Recovering our fierce heart takes some doing and it really helps to have someone alongside who has walked a similar journey.
The good news is that our time together will be fun. We begin with a blank journal. Through a series of prompts, visualizations, exercises and explorations, we pull together pieces of imagery that we use to collage the cover. This cover image will hold the intention we are setting for ourselves. And then, within the pages, we will set the guideposts which will help us to return to the radiant, joyful, deeply loved self that we have been carrying within our heart all along.
Kit fee: 20 USD
CLICK HERE for downloadable Materials PDF.