There’s a new word in my life: sukha.
It’s meaning?
Happy space.
Or, in more yogic terms it is a state of being in light, a state of lightness, an openness within.

both in process of transformation
Above are photos from the house I’m about to move into at the end of this month. Big changes on all fronts.
Going from apartment renter to home-owner, living on a different street with different neighbors, no garden to call my own to having a patch of grass I am gonna stuff fat with wild perennials come Spring.
You get the picture. Change.
Over a year ago, I began envisioning where I wanted to live, the word sanctuary rose to the surface pretty quickly.
Home as refuge. Home as a place to get still,
centered, nourished and inspired.
I’m definitely feeling good about the changes I am heading into yet there is also that sadness that comes when you end a phase of your life. Whether or not the end is of your own choice, if you are leaving a place or person that you loved, there is a process of letting go.
Lucky for me, there are three little words that keep surfacing to offset my self-induced romantic melancholy. Three little words that many of us know only too well but that can be avoided until you are in the throes of putting your life into boxes . . .
Holy Roman Emperor, people. How can I have so much stuff? I am just one person. This cannot be right. Where did all these books come from? Who put all this junk in my junk drawer?
Why in the hell do I have cupboards full of rocks, stones, shells and beach glass?!
And feathers. Enough already with the feathers.
So. Sanctuary. SUKHA.
Can I do it? Can I reduce all this stuff by two-thirds and only bring forward the absolute basics of what I need and create a clean, clear slate for this next phase of my life?
Hold the vision for me, will you, please? SUKHA.
Moving into more light, more openness from within. *fingers crossed*
bisous, e