the most important practice


Seems simple enough. And yet, right?

How lucky are those that come up through the world grounded in healthy self-esteem and genuine appreciation for who they are in this world. It truly is a gift. Of course, the good news is, we all have the power to develop the self-concept we want. It may not be easy, but the option exists.

Below are a few links to some essays and reflections on this odd reality — that to engage with the world, open-hearted and filled with compassion we must first practice offering our imperfect selves compassion, care and full acceptance.


“I was twenty-seven years old and married with four children when I became desperate enough to seek out my first therapist. I felt alone, stuck, and unlovable. I was determined to change.”


“Loving yourself is, however, more important than loving somebody else.”


“I’ve culled this morning routine from many different readings to create something that works for me. I find that if I love myself first, I can be kinder to others throughout the day.”

week4_4And this one, “I made the connection.”

What is one daily change that you could make to open more space and understanding for all the ways you are more than enough, right now?



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