the weaving together

photo credit :: MEG MCELWEE

“Don’t just make things. Make treasures. The difference between a hastily sewn project, made in a state of stress while harboring resentment toward the people and circumstances that keep you from “enjoying” even greater productivity … and a project that is made slowly, with intention, is vast. I know. In early motherhood, my sewing time was infused with stress. I needed to get things done before nap was over, etc. Then I gave birth to a baby with a serious heart defect and put aside my craft in the course of his long and scary treatment. Being a heart mama changed me. Now, all I can see is the preciousness of time. When time becomes precious, you can add in a seam here, a seam there – lovingly stitched and with the intention of creating a treasure for the recipient.”
Meg McElwee

A beautiful reminder that slowness, intention and the love of making are to be treasured as much as the final outcome. With the anniversary of the Women’s March on Washington this weekend, I am visualizing our world as one giant patchwork quilt to which we are each adding our own stitches, piece by piece. As much as we would like to see quicker progress and to have the quilt ‘finished already’, it is through precious intention behind each stitch that, as a community, we will begin to weave together what has been unravelled.

Here are Squam, we feel so honored to be adding our own stitches to the giant patchwork by setting intentions to hold beauty, light and community at the foremost of what we do, and to always create a safe place for everyone both during and outside the retreats. We love you all, so dearly. xo

“Be a woman other women can trust.
Have the courage to tell another woman directly
when she has offended, hurt, or disappointed you.
Successful women have a loyal tribe
of loyal and honest women behind them,
Not haters. Not backstabbers
or women who whisper behind their back.
Be a woman who lifts other women.”
Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life


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